Page 6 - 2019-2020 Annual Report
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2019-2020 Annual Report

         fiscAL yEAR 2019-2020

             REsPONsE TO ThE cOvid-19 PANdEmic
             As other nonprofits, schools, community centers, and stores were forced to close their doors in March 2020, Casa
             de Amparo remained operational as part of the critical infrastructure sector during the COVID-19 pandemic. The
             pandemic presented many challenges, as well as opportunities for innovation. Our response included implementing
             prevention and mitigation strategies for staff and residents living on and off site, safeguarding infrastructure and IT
             networks to support staff working remotely, assisting New Directions participants who lost jobs with financial aid for
             rent and groceries, executing case management via ZOOM, and creating new and innovative activities to keep our
             Casa Kids safe and healthy while remaining on campus. We also expanded our fundraising toolbelt by holding our
             first virtual event, a digital crowdfunding campaign, and virtual wine drop party.

             EARLy ANd PERiOdic scREENiNg, diAgNOsTic, ANd TREATmENT cONTRAcT ExPANsiON
             On April 1, 2020 we implemented a new, expanded EPSDT (Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment)
             contract with County of San Diego Behavioral Health Services to continue providing comprehensive mental health
             services in Residential Services. We had been ramping up staffing in anticipation of this contract for over a year
             and the approval came at a time when our kids needed therapeutic services more than ever. With this contract, the
             agency was able to hire four additional therapists and four additional case managers to provide daily therapeutic
             services to our Casa Kids.

             cREATEd NEw EssENTiAL POsiTiONs
             As Casa de Amparo evolves to fit the needs of our youth, our staffing structure also grows. Several positions were
             added and modified to help us more effectively manage our programs. A Director of Residential Services was brought
             on to solidify a transition to the proven and effective Cottage Model for residential housing. This model allows our
             therapists, case managers, and residential childcare workers to devote their time and talents to a specific group of
             residents, allowing for stronger relationships to evolve and more therapeutic engagement.
             EmPLOymENT Of NEw diREcTiONs yOUTh

             Last year, we began to employ New Directions participants as part-time employees in our Administrative Office. The
             youth are able to gain real-world transferrable experience helpful for building their resumes. Two part-time positions
             were created and one youth has since moved into a full-time position. Their smiling faces and positive work ethic are
             a testament to the success our youth strive towards everyday.

             cAPiTAL cAmPAigN TEEN wELLNEss cENTER PROgREss

             Architectural plans for the Teen Wellness Center were submitted to the San Diego County Planning and Development
             Services Department for plan check review and building permit approval. This is a critical step in the process in
             partnership with our architect, Tucker Sadler. Fundraising for the $11.4 million project continues as we make way to
             break ground in 2021.

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