Page 5 - 2019-2020 Annual Report
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2019-2020 Annual Report

                                                                                                  A sUccEss

                                      At just one year old, Lexus’ mother abandoned both her and her siblings, leaving her
                                      father to care for four young children on his own. A few years later, what had seemed
                                      to be an opportunity for a perfect family turned into a horrifying reality of abuse at the
                                      hands of her new stepmother. The abuse that Lexus endured landed her in different
                                      group homes starting at age 11.

                                      Lexus came to Casa de Amparo’s Residential Services Program at the age of 14, when
                                      she did not realize the gravity that Casa’s impact would hold in her life. Lexus began
                                      causing trouble and ended up in juvenile hall. Upon returning to Casa de Amparo, Lexus
                                      gained a new outlook on the program and the healing that was possible.

                                      “They accepted me [back] with open arms…While back at Casa I did things I never
   New Directions Participant:        thought I would accomplish,” explains Lexus. Lexus flourished with this new outlook
   LExUs JENkiNs                      on life inspired by Casa, leading her to graduate high school, begin college courses
                                      to pursue her career dreams and making her a role model to the other youth at Casa.
                                      Lexus became appreciative of the dedicated staff that wanted to see her succeed and
                                      found comfort in Casa’s support.

                                      At 18, Lexus joined our transitional housing program, New Directions, where she was
                                      provided with safe housing, money for food, cleaning supplies, and a fully furnished
                                      apartment to help her start her adult life. While in the program, Lexus decided to begin
                                      her family, a decision that Casa fully supported.

                                      “Casa was supportive through the whole pregnancy,” explains Lexus. “My advocate took
                                      me to doctors’ appointments and everyone got together to throw me a baby shower.”
   NEw diREcTiONs                     Lexus loved being a mother to her baby boy, however tragedy struck Lexus when she

   Our New Directions                 least expected it. Despite heroic efforts from 911 responders, Lexus’ son unfortunately
                                      passed away due to SIDS.
   program helps foster and
   former foster youth, ages          In this time of tragedy, Casa assured Lexus that they would be there to support her
   18-25, find housing and            in any way she needed. Casa de Amparo assisted Lexus and her partner with funeral
   build their lives going into       expenses, counseling to process the trauma and grief, and keepsakes to memorialize
                                      their son’s life.
   adulthood. The program
   includes:                          When Lexus became pregnant with her second child, she knew she could depend on
    •  Access to subsidized &         Casa for support throughout her high-risk pregnancy. For instance, if an advocate were
      affordable housing              not available to take Lexus to her doctor’s appointments, which could be multiple times
    •  Therapy services               a week, Casa ensured that she had a bus pass so she could receive her essential care.
    •  Advocates for support          As her maternity leave approached its end, Lexus worried about maintaining her eligibility
      and access to essential         with the New Directions program, which required her to either be in school or have a job.
      resources                       Overwhelmed with the idea of working and going to school while simultaneously caring
                                      for a baby, an opportunity arose that gave Lexus the solace she needed.
   An extensive team of               Lexus’ advocate recommended she apply to be a part-time receptionist at Casa’s office.
   Advocates is there for             Both Lexus and Casa found this to be a perfect fit for the job! While working at Casa de
   anything a New Directions          Amparo, Lexus was able to continue pursuing her degree while still caring for her child.
   program participant needs
   including transportation,          “Casa de Amparo is my family and the best one I could’ve dreamed of. Your [support] has
   mediation, and life skills         made a huge impact on my life, even if it seemed small,” says Lexus. Casa de Amparo is
                                      immeasurably grateful that we were able to help Lexus on her path to success and are
   training.                          very excited to see what the future holds for this vibrant young woman and her family!

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