Page 3 - 2019-2020 Annual Report
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2019-2020 Annual Report

                                    To supporT Those affecTed by and                 cAsA dE AmPARO’s
                                    aT risk of child abuse and neglecT,
   sNAPshOT fOR                     Through a range of programs and        hisTORy
   fy 2019-2020                     services ThaT promoTe healing,
                                    growTh, and healThy relaTionships.
   ExEcUTivE diREcTOR
   Tamara Fleck-Myers, LMFT         Established in 1978, Casa de Amparo is         APRiL 2012
                                    recognized  as  a  leader  in  treating  and
   LOcATiONs                        preventing child abuse and neglect in San      Residential  Services  relocated  from
                                                                                   Oceanside to the Casa Kids Campus
                                    Diego County and beyond, with locations
   San Marcos                       in  Oceanside  and  San  Marcos.  The          in  San  Marcos,  California  on  11.4
   •  Residential Services          nonprofit  organization  annually  serves      acres  of  land,  providing  three  cozy,
                                    over 525 Casa Kids, from prenatal to 25
                                                                                   home-like  cottages  and  expansive
   •  Family Visitation             years  old,  as  well  as  over  395  families   outdoor areas for play.
   Oceanside                        through integrated programs that promote
   •  New Directions                healing, growth, and healthy relationships.    APRiL 2014
   •  Family Visitation
                                        AUgUsT 1978                                Residential  Services  began  housing
   PROgRAms                             Casa  de  Amparo  was  founded             pregnant  and  parenting  girls  in
                                                                                   foster  care  and  their  infants.  Casa
   •  Residential Services              by  a  small  group  of  local  women      de  Amparo  is  currently  the  only
                                        concerned  about  domestic  violence
   •  New Directions                    and  the  welfare  of  children.  Led      licensed residential treatment center
   •  Family Visitation                 by  the  Women’s  Resource  Center         in San Diego County to provide these
                                        and  supported  by  local  police,  this
   cLiENTs sERvEd                       team pushed for a home for children        JUNE 2016
   •  Casa Kids: 525                    affected by or at risk of child abuse. It   Opened  new  Counseling  Wing  and
                                        was at this point that Casa de Amparo
   •  Families: 395                     opened its doors.                          expanded the Pregnant and Parenting
                                                                                   Cottage at the Casa Kids Campus in
   EmPLOyEEs                            AUgUsT 1980                                San  Marcos.  The  expansion  allows
                                                                                   services for additional clients and new
   •  Full-Time: 124                    Casa     de   Amparo     expanded          state-of-the-art therapeutic practices.
                                        its    services  to  include  the  Child
   •  Part-Time: 12                     Development  Center  in  Oceanside,
                                        providing   therapeutic   childcare,       mAy 2018
   vOLUNTEERs                           preschool,  and  a  family  support        Initiated  the  Transition  Preperation
   •  Total Individuals: 216            center  for  children  18  months  to  5   Program  for  Residential  Services
                                        years old who are at risk of abuse or
   •  Total Donated Hours:              neglect.  Casa  de  Amparo  continued      participants.  This  program  allows
     2,439                              to operate the CDC for 38 years until      progressing residents to start learning
                                        the center closed in June 2018.            all the elements of independent living.
                                        JULy 2001                                  JANUARy 2019
                                        Casa  de  Amparo  began  its  Family
                                        Visitation  Program,  which  provides      Residential   Services    received
                                        a  neutral,  supervised  setting  for      licensure as a Short-Term Residential
                                        children  who  have  been  separated       Therapeutic  Program  (STRTP).  As
                                        from  their  parents  as  a  result  of    an  STRTP,  Residential  Services
                                        abuse  or  neglect,  enabling  regular     continues to serve youth in foster care
                                        visits,  positive  interactions,  and      with  the  highest  level  of  behavioral
                                        reunification, if appropriate.             and  mental  health  concerns  who
                                                                                   require intensive trauma treatment in
                                        JUNE 2008                                  a residential setting.
                                        Casa  de  Amparo  began  serving
                                        18  to  24  year  old  youth  formerly
                                        in   foster   care,   providing   fully
                                        furnished  apartments,  career  and
                                        education  planning,  and  life  skills
                                        training  through  the  New  Directions
                                        transitional housing program.                                            3
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