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2019-2020 Annual Report

        ThE BOARd                                                                                BOARd Of diREcTORs
         A mEssAgE fROm

                                                                                                 BOARd OfficERs
        From  July  1,  2019  to  June  30,  2020,  Casa  de  Amparo  helped  525                Richard Berwick
        youth in foster care adjust to a dramatically different world due to the                             Board Chair
        COVID-19 pandemic. But as the world around us changed, our mission                       Jerry Stein
        remained the same – to support those affected by and at risk of child                                  Vice-Chair
        abuse  and  neglect,  through  a  range  of  programs  and  services  that
        promote healing, growth, and healthy relationships.                                      Kayleen Huffman
                                                                                                    Immediate Past Chair
        The  demand  for  our  three  core  programs—Residential  Services,                      Debbie Slattery
        New  Directions,  and  Family  Visitation—did  not  diminish  despite  the                              Treasurer
        challenges brought on by the pandemic. Casa de Amparo continued                          Vanessa Negrete
        providing  intensive  therapy,  housing,  and  safe  visitation  spaces  for                           Secretary
        children  removed  from  their  families,  all  the  while  managing  and                BOARd mEmBERs
        adjusting our practices to create a safe and healthy environment and
        prepare for a potential outbreak of the virus.                                           John Ayala
                                                                                                 Mary Ann Bosanac
        Last year, we reported on our new licensure as Short-Term Residential                    Liese Cornwell
        Therapeutic Program (STRTP). This year we continue on our journey to
        provide a comprehensive continuum of care for youth in foster care by                    Marilou Dela Rosa
        announcing the growth of our Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic                    Jim Grant
        and  Treatment  (EPSDT)  contract.  With  this,  Residential  Services  is               Tim Lesmeister
        better equipped to serve our youth who experience high-level mental                      Dustin Plantholt
        health needs requiring intensive trauma treatment.                                       Michael Platis

        We are thankful for the continued support of our volunteers, community                   Sharon Stein
        advocates, board members, and donors who helped us navigate the
        dynamic changes which have occurred in 2020. Our ability to provide                      hONORARy
        these services is owed to the generosity of so many others. Thank you                    BOARd mEmBERs
        for all you have done and all you continue to do.                                        Lou Ferrero
                                                                                                 Stephanie Hanson
                                                                                                 Stephen Hoffman
                                                                                                 Paul Judge
                                                                                                 Duffy Keys
                                                                                                 Diane Martin
        Tamara Fleck-Myers, LMFT                   Richard Berwick                               Corky Mizer
        Executive Director                         Chair of the Board                            Jeffrey Strauss
        Casa de Amparo                             President, Cross Armory
                                                                                                 *Members/Officers serving in
                                                                                                 Fiscal Year July 1, 2019 through
                                                                                                 June 30, 2020

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