Page 15 - 2019-2020 Annual Report
P. 15

2019-2020 Annual Report

         cOmmUNiTy sUPPORT
                                                                             wE ARE PROUd Of OUR

        It takes a community to help care for our Casa Kids, logistically, emotionally, and financially. Below are
        some amazing gifts Casa de Amparo received through the last fiscal year ensuring the organization’s
        ability to continue to treat and prevent child abuse and neglect.

            cOvid-19 cOmmUNiTy sUPPORT
            From hand sewn face masks to philanthropic monetary donations, Casa de Amparo received an outpouring of
            support at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. We held our first ever virtual event via Zoom, a Casa Family
            Reunion, and raised over $32,000. Thank you to the generous foundations who stepped in to ease the financial
            strain associated with COVID-19.

            gEicO & REcycLEd RidEs
            Jacob D., a New Directions participant, received a rehabilitated car from the Recycled Rides program through
            GEICO. Jacob is able to use his car for transportation to school and is in the process of becoming an auto mechanic
            himself. We are appreciative of GEICO’s support for Jacob along with their first grant to Residential Services.

            gOLdEN dOOR sUPPORT
            At the 2019 Crystal Ball Gala, Chef Gregory Frey Jr. was honored for his dedication to
            Casa de Amparo’s mission. Chef Gregory has supported Casa de Amparo for the past nine
            years by contributing gourmet food for the Crystal Ball Gala Patron Party – an opportunity
            for event sponsors to preview the exclusive live auction items. The local Golden Door farm
            stand always remembers the youth in Residential Services with leftover produce, and this
            past year we received a generous $10,000 check from Golden Door.

            cUshmAN fOUNdATiON ANd PsychiATRic NURsE
            Facilitated  by  the  Jewish  Community  Foundation,  The  Cushman  Family  Foundation
            awarded Casa de Amparo $150,000 through the Making a Difference grant initiative. The
            grant helped Casa de Amparo hire a Psychiatric Nurse that will build the agency’s capacity
            to enhance equity in healthcare for foster youth and increase quality of life for foster youth
            and their babies living on the Casa Kids Campus.

            NOw AccEPTiNg BiTcOiN dONATiONs
            Calling all Bitcoin users! Casa de Amparo is now set up to receive tax-deductible donations of Bitcoin. This new
            process  was  spearheaded  by  the  generosity  of  one  of  the  industry’s  original  platforms,,  and  their
            generosity of a $10,000 gift.

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