Page 12 - 2019-2020 Annual Report
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2019-2020 Annual Report

         iN-kiNd dONATiONs
         fiscAL yEAR 2019-2020

         Casa de Amparo relies on in-kind donations that go directly to the youth in our programs. Each year
         we secure over $400,000 in items like hygiene products, cleaning supplies, household furniture, and
         craft supplies. This greatly helps offset our operational costs while creating opportunities for community
         involvement. Here are some of the awesome donations that we received this past fiscal year!

            wEEkLy mEAT dONATiONs                                                      dONOR sPOTLighT:
            dURiNg cOvid-19                                                            shAREN & ALBERT cOsTA
            The Akatiff Family has supported Casa                                      The  Costa’s  participate  in  Casa  de
            de  Amparo  for  the  last  ten  years  with                               Amparo’s  fundraising  activities  every
            wish list items for our Casa Kids during                                   opportunity  they  get.  Sharen  is  an
            the  holidays.  This  year,  they  went                                    integral  committee  member  for  the
            above and beyond by donating enough                                        Crystal  Ball  Gala  and  has  donated
            chicken and beef each week for the 30+   fOcUs BEd dONATiON fOR            luxurious dinner experiences as auction
            girls living in Residential Services.                                      items.  The  dynamic  duo  helped  make
                                                  POTENTiAL qUARANTiNE                 homemade  meals  for  Thanksgiving,
                                                                                       have  supported  all  our  holidays  with
                                                                                       craft  and  decor  donations,  and  even
                                                  At the beginning of the pandemic, Casa   hosted our first ever drive-thru wine drop
                                                  de  Amparo  focused  on  how  to  quickly   party. Thank you Sharen and Albert for
                                                  mitigate the spread of the disease if one   always keeping Casa de Amparo top of
                                                  of  our  residents  were  to  get  sick.  With   mind  for  your  giving  of  time,  treasure,
                                                  this, a wing in one of our cottages was   and talents!
                                                  turned  into  an  emergency  quarantine
                                                  suite  filled  with  bed  frames,  mattress,
                                                  and  box  springs  donated  by  FOCUS.
                                                  The Coronado based organization was
                                                  quick  to  help  Casa  de  Amparo  secure
            LENNAR hOLidAy dRivE                  these items and keep our girls safe!
            One of America’s leading homebuilders,
            Lennar hosted a companywide holiday
            drive  in  their  San  Diego  office.  Each
            year  Casa  de  Amparo  fulfills  the
            individual  holiday  gift  wishes  of  over                                mR. TAcO mAkEs
            100  youth  in  Residential  Services  and                                 EAsTER hAPPEN
            New  Directions.  Lennar  worked  with                                     Locally owned Mr. Taco is a San Marcos
            their  employees  and  vendors  to  make                                   staple for delicious Mexican food. This
            the biggest donation of holiday presents                                   Easter  they  served  up  a  festive  feast
            Casa de Amparo has ever seen!
                                                                                       by  donating  dinner  for  our  Casa  Kids
                                                                                       living on campus. Our girls love getting
                                                  BAck TO schOOL wiTh                  special  treats  like  this  which  make  the
                                                  ThE fARLiN fAmiLy                    holidays memorable and special.
                                                  The  Farlin  Family  made  going  back
                                                  to  school  a  breeze  with  their  annual
                                                  donation of school supplies to our Casa
                                                  Kids.  This  year  they  donated  66  new
                                                  backpacks,  reams  of  papers,  folders,
                                                  dividers, pens, pencils, endless markers,
                                                  and  highlighters.  These  supplies  help
                                                  not  only  our  Casa  Kids  but  our  Casa
                                                  Staff stay organized and on task.
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