Page 13 - 2019-2020 Annual Report
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2019-2020 Annual Report

                                          LEgAcy ciRcLE
                                                                                     cAsA dE AmPARO’s

         Thanks to generous donors like you, Casa de Amparo has been helping San Diego’s abused and
         neglected children heal and grow since 1978. Your planned gift will help us to continue the important
         work of making San Diego a community where child abuse is simply not tolerated. Please consult
         with your tax accountant or your financial adviser to analyze which of the plans is most appropriate
         for you. We can also arrange a face-to-face meeting with you, your advisor and Casa de Amparo’s
         Director of Development to discuss gift giving options. For more information or to request a private
         tour of the Casa de Amparo programs, please contact Kathy Karpe, Director of Development, at 760-

         iNdividUALs whO hAvE REmEmBEREd OR wish TO REmEmBER

         cAsA dE AmPARO ThROUgh PLANNEd giviNg

         John & Elenora Arms                 Patricia Hayward                     Albert & Lee Ann Puglisi

         Nancy Bellman                       Thelma C. Hinrichs                   Juanita Reeder

         Bennett Family Trust                Gary W. Hohenhaus                    Jerry Sattler

         Lonian D. Boen                      Joseph & Peggy Juneman               Joan Smardan

         Steven & Hostensia Bram             David H. Lypps                       Fay Saul Family Trust

         Brausa Family Trust                 Mary Alice McIntire                  Florence M., Tepper Trust

         The Estate of Abel De Brito         Estate of Adele Patricia             Walter Eriksen Trust
         Mel & Alair Earley                                                       William Webb
                                             Patti B. Morris Living Trust
         Walter Erickson                                                          Harold Werner
                                             Margaret Piacenti
         Helen Feller                                                             Emmett & Florence
                                             Gregory & Melissa Post               Woodward
         Winifred Amy Granart

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